Tuesday, December 9, 2008

What we should do

Now that rich men have been threatened (i am rich and working towards to be filthily rich) in their own abode , We are hearing long forgotten phrases like accountability / enough is enough / actionable plan etc. Any which way this is good since for whatever reason terrorism is taken seriously, lot of average Indians / humans will benefit hugely.

Lot of people are doing lot of things, like giving interviews; bashing politicians; holding candle light marches; launching signature campaigns etc. All these are well intentioned but pardon me for saying this ; will result in zilch. Then what as concerned citizens we should do , and what we should demand our government to do. I have given just 5 measures which as per my own self evaluation perfectly doable and do not wonder as to what some of these are to do with terrorism. As per my opinion you cannot deal or improve any interconnected system in isolation; one has to look in a holistic manner. We also need to treat the disease and not the symptoms.

What we should do
1. Stop immediately giving or accepting offensive bribes. This is the most important first step. This step is the one which will give courage to us and also bestow moral authority. Corruption is the root cause of decay in any social or moral set up. After all what is corruption , it is noting but undeserved gain; there are two kinds of corruption ; one offensive another defensive. Defensive corruption is doing wrong things to protect your position deservedly . But offensive corruption is done to get something un deservedly which is to cheat someone else. Corruption brings low quality people into high stake positions; corruption puts in-competent people into decision making positions. Corruption makes one to sacrifice larger intrest for smaller personal gains. Corruption is responsible for terrorism not lasker -e-toiba ; they only exploit it.

2. First go and vote in all elections: If we do not vote , i feel we have no right to demand any thing.

3. Do not accept in-efficiency as de-facto with government interaction: Generally it has become our habit in accepting delays / in efficiency as given. If some official says this can happen only in 45 days , we meekly accept it; we accept after it is govt office we can expect only this. This has to stop , unless service and efficiency is demanded it will not be forthcoming. You cannot change.

4. Write or otherwise communicate with your MLA/ MP : Hardly anyone of us visit our representatives unless we have a personal issue. Please make time t5o visit your representative once in three months. Ask him what he has done for you, what he has performed in the assembly / parliament, what measures he has demanded government in furtherance of common intrest. Demand from him, sometimes you may get positively surprised.

5. Stop being cynical: Indians love bad news. We love fate; we love passing on our centuries of our considered wisdom; stop it ; do not be cynical; do not wish to be right and a loser; rather be a winner and be wrong on your prediction. Be positive; politicians will change, even our enimy may stop being our nemesis; we will this war ; we will be more efficient ; things are positive ; it will improve for good.